I. I don't organize my thoughts well like this.
A. I work better inside my head.
B. I edit better during the writing process.
C. I can't "see" the outcome in this layout.
II. Outlines are clunky.
A. I'm not even sure how they're supposed to work.
B. Should this be a number instead of a letter?
C. Maybe a lower case letter?
E. What happens when I run past my knowledge of Roman Numerals?
F. See? I totally fucked up that last one and didn't even realize it.
III. And don't even get me started on rough drafts.
A. I edit better during the writing process on the same piece of paper.
B. Were rough drafts more useful in the days of typewriters?
C. Okay, maybe I'll print a "rough" copy and edit for spelling and format, but really, that's it.
D. I'll use notecards if I'm writing something really big.
E. Sometimes a notecard will end up being no more than a single sentence in the finished piece.
IV. I'm running out of topics.
A. Are these even topics?
B. They seem more like random ideas to me.
C. Like little asides almost.
D. Did I leave the oven on?
E. Nope.
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