Tuesday, October 19, 2010


It isn't a medley
where the songs meet,

this new mix
of droning and pop,
a genre without a label,

no fan base
or t-shirt line,
no special section in stores,

no Rolling Stone reviews
or award ceremony

no hip dance
or hair trend,

no upturned collar
or temporary tattoo.

These tones are new,
without study
and a good ear
incapable of being

but someday will go
number one
with a bullet.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Chosen Ones

Sometimes you say
'So much for writing,'

toss it aside
for the night

and try to regain
that sense of who
you were,

tripping through words
and the consequences
they bring

under the light of
the brightest star
you have ever seen,

which is what
sent you here to write
in the first place.